2 de junho de 2010


Gossip Girl's In perfil aprofundado sobre Dan Humphrey

Vive com: pai, Rufus, ea irmã, Jenny, num loft em Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Dan's mother, Alison, moved to Hudson, NY over the summer mãe de Dan, Alison, mudou-se para Hudson, NY durante o verão
Likes : Adventurous blondes, The New Yorker, the L train, NPR, Netflix, reading, writing, coffee, Dartmouth, good values, saving the day, politics Gosta: loiras Aventureiro, The New Yorker, o trem L, NPR, Netflix, leitura, escrita, café, Dartmouth, bons valores, salvando o dia, a política
Dislikes : Pretentious people, the ice capades, rumors and drama, college legacies, alarm clocks, mean girls, dancing (he's not very good at it) Não gosta: pessoas Pretentious, a patinação no gelo, rumores e drama, legados da faculdade, despertadores, Mean Girls, dança (ele não é muito bom no que faz)
Best Friend : Vanessa Abrams Melhor amigo: Vanessa Abrams
Current Crush : Serena van der Woodsen Crush atual: Serena van der Woodsen
Favorite fashion accessory : T-shirts Favoritos de acessório de moda: T-shirts
Favorite places in New York : the Angelika, Gray's Papaya, the Tea Lounge (great place to see live music in Brooklyn), New York Public Library, Communitea, the Whitney lugares favorito em 

Nova York: o Angelika, Gray's Papaya, o Salão de Chá (ótimo lugar para ver música ao vivo no Brooklyn), New York Public Library, Communitea, a Whitney
Favorite Music : Lincoln Hawk, Beastie Boys, Kooks, Wilco, Rogue Wave, Beck, Of Montreal, Band of Horses, Arcade Fire, Jose Gonzalez, Eliott Smith, Hot Hot Heat Música favorita: Lincoln Hawk, Beastie Boys, The Kooks, Wilco, Rogue Wave, Beck, Of Montreal, Band of Horses, Arcade Fire, Jose Gonzalez, Eliott Smith, Hot Hot Heat
Favorite Authors : JL Hall, William Faulkner, David Sedaris, Dave Eggers, Thomas Pynchon, Philip Roth, JD Salinger Autores favoritos: JL Hall, William Faulkner, David Sedaris, Dave Eggers, Thomas Pynchon, Philip Roth, JD Salinger
Favorite Movies : Harold and Maude, Rushmore, City of God, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, ET, History of the World: Part I, The Kid, The Bicycle Thief, Play It Again, Sam Filmes Favoritos: Harold and Maude, Rushmore, Cidade de Deus, Off Day, ET's Ferris Bueller, História do Mundo: Parte I, A Criança, O Ladrão de bicicleta, Play It Again, Sam
Favorite designers : Um…he just wears whatever looks and feels best designers favoritos: Um ... ele só usa o que parece e se sente melhor
Favorite TV Shows : The Daily Show, anything on PBS, Arrested Development, The Office (both versions), Law and Order: SVU, Six Feet Under, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Battlestar Galactica  

Favorite TV Shows: The Daily Show, nada no PBS, Arrested Development, The Office (duas versões), Law and Order: SVU, Six Feet Under, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Battlestar Galactica
Heroes : His dad, Rufus Heroes: Seu pai, Rufus
Motto : “What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.” Lema: "O que não mata só nos torna mais fortes."

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