2 de junho de 2010


Um Peek em Dan Humphrey

Atual música tocando no iPod: "Não Kiss Me Goodbye" por Ultra Orange & Emmanuelle

Current Book on the nightstand : Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life by Steve Martin Atual do 

livro no criado-mudo: Born Standing Up: A Vida Comic por Steve Martin

Ideal Vacation Destination : Prague, Czech Republic Destino ideal de férias:, República Tcheca Praga

Childhood Crush : Vanessa Abrams Infância Crush: Vanessa Abrams

Favorite Afterschool Activity : Poetry Club Afterschool atividade favorita: Poetry Club

Favorite School Subject : AP Literature and Composition Assunto escola favorita: Literatura AP e Composição

Favorite Website : The Huffington Post Website favorito: The Huffington Post

Favorite Food : Falafel Comida Favorita: Falafel

Favorite Video Game : Call of Duty Video Game Favorito: Call of Duty

Favorite Magazine : The New Yorker Revista favorita: The New Yorker

Favorite Reality Show : Little People Big World Reality Show favorito: People Little Big World

Phone of Choice : Motorola KRZR Telefone of Choice: Motorola KRZR

Dream Job : Novelist, poet, essayist, blogger, any kind of working writer Sonho profissional: Romancista, poeta, ensaísta, blogger, qualquer tipo de trabalho escritor

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